Pandemic Protocols

Obukan, like many other organizations, has enacted new protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic to keep our participants and members safe and do our part to ensure that we minimize the risk of transmission.

The Obukan Board of Directors has set forth the following policy and protocols in accordance with:

Policy and Protocols

Important: it’s your responsibility to account for your own safety and it’s your decision to practice or not. No one will give you any grief for waiting longer for the pandemic to reduce. We all care about each other and our families, so it’s also your duty to try your best to keep those around you safe; be mindful of how you feel and don’t come to practice if you don’t feel 100% well. Thank you.

General Requirements

Before attending attending practice

Consider pre-verifying your vaccination or test status. A list of pre-verified people will be forwarded to Sensei before practice. If you don’t pre-verify please come to practice with your vaccination or test results. Pre-verifications can be submitted by email, text, in-person, by video-conference or whatever mechanism you’re comfortable adequately protects your personal privacy. The proof you provide or even the type of proof you elect won’t be recorded–just the fact that you did. If you are vaccinated you need only do this once. Contact information for pre-verification will be mailed out to the membership.

AUSKF waivers should be submitted to Chris Tilt by email, text or bringing a hard-copy to practice.

At the start of each practice

  • Wear a mask over your nose and mouth
  • Present or complete the COVID questionnaire to declare yourself symptom free and have your temperature taken.
  • Situate yourself and your equipment at least 6’ from one another along the wall but take more space as you need.

During practice

  • Wear your mask over your nose and mouth at all times in the dojo, including under the men. Place a plastic shield in your men (suba dome), we have these for sale at the dojo for $5 each (they cost $12 from e-bogu if you wish to buy your own).
  • Maintain distance, i.e. no tsuba zeriai. Line up with extra distance and avoid touching one another with your hands.
  • Practice reduced kiai
  • Monitor you own level of fatigue and be on the lookout other Kendogi who may be struggling. Practice with masks is hard.